Hi minna!!
Finnally I finished my exams and I can take care of myself!
I was soooo stressed and so tired!! I didn't do anything in these days I just slept a lot ahahahah
Since I've a lot of free time I did some changes:

As first thing I changed my hair color! I did light copper-colored! I love this color with sun!
My skin is so white that this color highlights my eyes and my face!
Finnally I finished my exams and I can take care of myself!
I was soooo stressed and so tired!! I didn't do anything in these days I just slept a lot ahahahah
Since I've a lot of free time I did some changes:

My skin is so white that this color highlights my eyes and my face!
What do you think? In reality it's more light the color >.<
I was inspired by Dolly Wink fantasy! Do you like them?? I love them!!
I wanted to use 3D plastic bow..but I didn't find them in my city..
so I created them with a normal tight black tape!

What do you think? Do you have any advice?
~Thank you~
bella <3
RispondiEliminaAwwwww grazieeeee milleee <3 <3
EliminaYou're so cute! I love those nails :D
RispondiEliminaReally!? Thank youuuu ❤ I'm so happy you think so! Yeah, I love them too eheh ^^