Hi guys! Here a guide I made to know how to search and buy from Pinky Paraduse! But I'll start with a samll guide how to wear circle lens and my personal experience with these kind of lens! Enjoy it!
Circle Lens Wear & Guide
There are a lot of tutorials on youtube to learn how to wear cicrle lens. It's really simple! Remeber you've to wear lens before putting on your make up! Take a look at this!
How can I make my lens live longer?
You must be very careful! not to damage your lenses you have to keep them in the liquid for contact lenses. Change it every time you use the lenses! If you don't use them so often be careful not to forget to change the liquid cos it will dry soon! Often makeup gets on the lens, it is very important to clean them and put them in a new and clean liquid, so they won't bother you when you're wearing them!
I personally wear circle lens cos I'm into gyaru fashion and to have a bigger eye (dolly effect) I need them! I prefer natural effect, but with my color eyes is very difficult to find the perfect one! PinkyPradise has a veeeery large amount of different coulors! They costantly add new products too make sure everybody could find the right colour for them! So, don't worry if you have a very particular and light colour, you'll be fine with this website!
How can I buy fron Pinky Paradise?
Step 1: Log in or register if you don't have yet an account
Step 2: Click on "Circle Lenses" and find the one you want to buy adding infromation like color, diameter and precription (if you have a normal sight, don't select anything)
Step 3: Select the CL that you want to buy and take a look at the info! Sometimes lens have already a diopter, so checks properly where I circled in red!
Step 4: You're not sure if the color would suit you!? Check at the bottom of the decription there are photos taken by Pinky's buyers!
Step 5: I want to buy G&G Shinny Green, click on Add to cart
A window like the one belown should appear! Click on proceed if you want to buy this pair of CL (check the price and the quantity)
Step 6: If you have a coupon put the code where I circled in red!
Step 7: Complite adding the info for reciving your selected circle lens
That's all! You'll get a code to track your package!
Don't forget Pinky Paradise offers:
Free express shipping for order $130

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until 25th September FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE
io sto comprando il mio primo paio di CL e sono preoccupatissima hahahaah ma spero vada tutto bene x°D non ho mai messo lenti quindi so che diventerò cieca le prime volte X°D
RispondiEliminaAhahah ma no fidati, non è così traumatico, è più facile a farsi che a dirsi >.< ahahhahah
EliminaComunque se vuoi acquistare da pinky cliccando sul banner in teoria dovresti avere uno sconto ;) in più adesso offerta free shipping!!! :D