giovedì 2 gennaio 2014

❤ 16 ❤ Day ~ Party, party and party ♥~

Kombawa Minna!!
How are you??? 
28 December was my birthday..Now I'm 21!! Ehehe
Since I've already celebrate with my friends I wanted to celebrete with my family and my bf this time!
My mother cooked for me one of my fav pasta *ç*
After lunch they come out with a cake and 21 candels on it! hahahah
I couldn't take any pic since I was blowing out candles!
It was similar to the one I did for my friends! I love this kind of cake kkk
Here my present!
Lace tank top, sweatshirt with leather sleeves, wacom and protective case, ipad case and my boyfriend gave me "Emozione3" similar to a smartbox where I can choose place to have massages and spas! Can't wait to chose where to go and have some relaxing time **
For the occasion I did a new nail art! It was a loong time since the last one I did!

Day 16 - A picture of your typical night.

I love spending time with my friends drinking and dancing eheh
As for "New Yaer" I spend the night with my friends eating, drinking and dancing a lot!
I had soooooo much fun!!!

How did you spend the last night of 2013? 

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