This is a Chinese website for shopping online.
It's similar to EBAY. You can find everything!
I use it to buy clothes or accessories of Japanese brands! In Italy is difficult to find foreigns brands or the products cost four times the real price ( ゚ Д゚)
I also bought wigs for cosplay >. <
In recent years, Taobao has had a great success and influx of purchases!
It's known better among people who love Asia, cosplay ... than people who have no interest in this kind of things!
There are several services that help those who do not speak Chinese to shop safely!
I use Taobaospree! There is a person to whom I send the link of the products and see if I can buy and how much they cost!
HDK, RMB, CNY (Chinese currency) is worth less than the euro, for this reason it's convenient for europeans buy from China!!
The only problem, and the real cost of buying on this website, it's the shipping!
Mainly depends on the shipping method you want to use (DHL, EMS, GLS, YUANYEN ...) and the value / weight of the package!
I recently placed an order of 5.42 kg and I only spent € 85 for the shipment !
Obviously, 5.42 kg of things not only mine, but with six other friends xD
With DHL and EMS is probable that the package go through the customs, so when you get it at home you have to pay a little more!
I recommend DHL for the short time of waiting, but EMS because is the cheapest!
GLS and YUANYEN are the best, they don't cost as much as DHL and the package doesn't pass through customs as foreign, but as a European, so you don't have to pay anything extra!
Unfortunately in 2013 YUANYEN has been removed from several shopping service...and GLS have increased the cost of shipping!

Liz Lisa Flowers and Bow
I really love this Japanese brand!
Next week I'll talk about Japanese brands
~ See you ~
Thank you very much!!! (*^-^*) You're so kind ~ I'll vist it with pleasure <3
sounds like a nice shop! Lovely blog :)
RispondiEliminaDo you want to follow each other? :)
xx ♥
Yeah! It's really a nice shop!! Thank you ♥♥
EliminaYeh why not ;)
I love Liz Lisa too.
RispondiEliminaThis sweater is so cute! *3*
I like it! ♥
Yeah, I know!! It's so cuuuuteeee!!! *w* I fell in love with it! I can't wait to do my next order!! ♥
EliminaWonderful post.^^
RispondiEliminaMaybe follow each other???
My Blog
Thank you! ;)
EliminaI'm glad you enjoyed it!
Yes, of course! I'll follow u!! ^w^
Thank you so much for the follow,dear.^^
RispondiEliminaFollow you back on gfc.
Do you also follow me on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back again.;)
Lovely greets Nessa
Yes, I started to follow you in Bloglovin too
Eliminaxoxo ♥
Beautiful post!!! would you like to follow each other?
RispondiEliminaBesos, desde España, Marcela♥
Oh thank you *-*
EliminaYes, of course ;)
xoxo form Italy, Jade ♥
Te sigo!!! Buen fin de semana!!!!:))
Elimina¡Gracias! Lo mismo para ti~ ♥