mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

How to be..Gyaru ❤

Hi everyone!? 
I wanted to do a post just for this event I helped to organize and partecipate!
At the end Anna Kikuchi couldn't come and Stéphanie N. Vrg come in her place!

We hoped more people would come but for being the first event it was great!
All started with a presentation by Harutamu

There were 3 models (Me, Bea and Jasmine)
Other gals did the makeup and hairstyle to show how to do it for Agejo, Sweet and Ora Ora style
Here some pics of the event

For more pics - Credits BFStudioMultimedia

At the end of the show "How to be Gyaru" there was a conference were all the participants could make some questions to Harutamu! She was soo nice and answered to all the question we did!! 

She also give us as gift some post card of BlackDiamond and their CD!! She also signed for us *__*

Stephanie with big surprise announced 2 winner among the participant to go for 3 nights in Japan with a coupon to spend in 109 Shibuya and make an appearance in a tv show with BlackDiamond!

Bea and Jaz wooooon!!!
Soooooo happy for them *____*

It's been a really good experience and I can't wait for the next one!

Stay tuned for the next event

lunedì 21 luglio 2014

❤ 25 ❤ Day ~ New experiences

Me and Bea went to another comic fair in novegro ^^ This time we weren't in cosplay!
Lot of photographersasked us to take some pics!

There were 2 Purikura machine!! OMG love theeeeeem!!! We don't have in Italy and this was my first time taking purikura! 

Some random selfie pics 

We meet Grazia and her friend, it was nice to see her again after the international meet in Frankfurt!
I had a loooot of fun as always eheh
I found a job for 2 weeks in an english camp! I had to work a lot and for this reason I couldn't write any post D: I was tooooo tired!
It's been a really great experience! 

 Day 25 – Worst hair/wig experience.
Actually I bought wigs just for cosplay and I have never had problems with what I bought! Before buying them I always search for many pics and some review of the shop so I can be sure to make a good purchase!

❤ 24 ❤ Day ~ Past events

I'm such a bad blogger lately..I'm sorry but I was really really busy!!
Well some weekend ago I went with my sis bea and giadì to a "comic fair" we were in cosplay after long time eheheheh we had loooot of fun in doing "Love Live School Idol Prodject"
I was Nozomi :3 

Here some pics from the group

 I think we were sooo cute with those costumes *__* I love tartan!!
I also discovered others photos from the photoset of my friend Jessica!

 I really love them *___*

Day 24 – Are you a lifestyle gyaru? (If not will would you?)
I can't define me like a real gyaru yet, since I discovered this style just few years ago and I tried to dress up since one year (?) I love dolling up and go out with my friends in gyaru, in uni I can't dress up or put so much makeup..but when I don't work or I don't have lessons I don't miss the chance to full dress in gyaru!!


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