mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

Taobao spree VS Pruany

Hi everyone! 
This morning my package arrived! 
Since I changed my service I wanted to do a review!

This time I used Pruany as my shopping service because I saw that their shopping service rates are a lot cheaper than any other I have used before. I've always used Taobao Spree, their employees are helpful and willing to answer to any questions.

TAOBAO SPREE: is a clear and understandable website. You can buy only offline, by email.

Offline: you need to fill the exele file with the URL of the items you want to buy and notes what you want for sizing and color. Then by email you'll send the file. Shopper assistant will complete the file with price, name of seller and name of items. If you have some questions you can ask everything. 

You can send email to one of the shopper and  they handle everything  (Doris). I filled the exele file and the shopper filled it with name of seller etc.. And say if it’s in or not in stock! The shopper answer during Chinese hours, so night and morning (for me I live in Italy). They don’t work during weekend. The service charged 10% commission!

I paid for EMS, which was their cheapest option and also the fastest. It takes 5-11 days to arrive. It’s always arrived on the 12th or 15th day. 
Cardboard box wasn't taped so well. Each item was individually packed in a thin plastic bag.  Shoes put in boxes and bags in fabric bags, everything was really kept safe. I also really loved the set-up of their website. It made it incredibly easy for me to quickly order everything.


4/5 –  Very kind people always available. Sometimes I’d to wait some days before an answer cos they follow too many order.

3/5 – It’s one of the cheapest but they take 10% of the charge and EMS is expensive! ç_ç

4/5  The packaging was great most of time. It takes maximum 15 days to arrive. 

PRUANY:  is extremely straight forward, they have a really intelligent website. There are 2 ways you can buy, offline or online.

Online:  put by yourself the URL and automatically the site picks up all the details of the item. You just include in the notes what you want for sizing and color.
Offline:  fill the exele file with the URL of the items you want to buy and notes  size and color. Then by email you'll send the file. Shopper assistant will complete the file with price, name of seller and name of items. 

At first it seemed to send email to a machine not a real person. I’d to ask and read review of other people to understand how does it really worked this website.  They have a live chat message application that is only online during China's day hours, but you can send email at any hours they’ll just answer later. I used the offline way to buy, so I filed the exele file and when something wasn’t in stock they highlighted with a different color the object! Every 30 minutes they send you the email with the items upload also during weekend. 
Pruany's charge is 8%! You could technically buy a membership rate to get it down to 7%, and if you become a frequent buyer you can even reduce it down to 6%. I paid for EMS, which was their second cheapest option (55% of discount) and was also the fastest. It takes 5-11 days to arrive. 
The entire box was taped all the way around!Each item was individually packed in a thin plastic bag.


4/5 – Before you pay it seems like speaking with a machine, after you paid it’s more comfortable cose there is a real person who can answer you ;) Always available, every 30minuts your file is upload with new items you put.
 5/5  The cheap shipping rates and commission rates were really great, I saved a lot of money!

3/5  The packaging was great. But I had some problems with the customs .__.

I recommend both sites! I think I will make other purchases on Pruany to get more discounts hehe
Next post I'll show you my purchases!!


1 commento:

  1. Awesome! I really like what you've purchased. Packaging seems to be thoughtful.

    I would vouch for and they don't charge a service fee if you're in Australia.


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